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Our Techs Delivered the Best Tile Cleaning To Revamp This Kitchen Floor in Dallas

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November 28, 2022

Our cleaning and sealing services were the perfect solution for this homeowner in Dallas. Routine cleaning was difficult at the best of times, with a very active household and a golden retriever that always brought something back from its expeditions around the garden. The homeowner followed a strict cleaning regime, so she could usually get ahead of any crisis. This was, unfortunately, not enough to keep the dirt at bay in one of the busiest parts of her home.

Kitchen Floor Before and After a Tile Cleaning in Dallas
In time, the kitchen floor started looking duller and deteriorated. There were dark stains all over the tiles and the dirt on the grout lines left a horrible impression. It didn't take long for the homeowner to see how ineffective her cleaners were. To top it all off, the grout's sealant had completely worn off, likely due to the foot traffic on the kitchen floor. She and other household members started looking for restoration companies in the area, comparing their findings to decide who to call. In the end, it wasn't hard to reach a unanimous decision. The homeowner knew that Sir Grout Dallas Fort Worth would provide the best tile cleaning in Dallas, so she contacted our techs as soon as she could to request an in-home evaluation.

Our techs went to her address right on schedule to inspect the kitchen floor. They observed the soiled floor and looked over the grime that was firmly stuck to the surface. When our techs asked her about her cleaning products, the client listed several formulas, from bleach to vinegar and water. Our specialists explained that these products cause many problems on tile and grout. Their harsh ingredients leave the grout unprotected after weakening the sealant, and many soap-rich formulas create a foamy film that keeps the dirt adhered to the surface. Given the kitchen's state, our techs recommended a thorough cleaning and sealing service for its restoration. The homeowner had hoped for a solution that could make her floors look brand new, so she was happy with their assessment and immediately hired our professional services.

That same week, our specialists returned to the client's home for the restoration. First, they cleaned the kitchen floor, soaking the surface with a powerful pH-neutral cleaner and using a high-speed scrubbing machine to remove all the dirt from the tiles and the grout lines. Our cleaner brings maximum efficiency to clean dirt, grime, spills, product residue, and other stains off your surfaces. Without releasing any chemicals into the air, it left the kitchen floor with a unique shine.

Following this, our techs applied ColorSeal on all the grout lines. Our sealant protects grout at all times of the day, warding off liquids, soil, mold, mildew, and other external elements for years. As per the client's request, our specialists recolored the grout to match the beige color on the tiles. The effect made the floor look beautiful and spotless to the point that it transformed the whole kitchen area.

After removing the sealant's residue, our techs completed the restoration by giving the floor one final buffing. Then, they let the client evaluate the results. As expected, she was pleased and thankful, praising the quality of our results. As her family commented on the floor's brand-new look, the homeowner promised to recommend Sir Grout Dallas Fort Worth to her friends and relatives in the area.

At the end of the appointment, our specialists shared some additional cleaning pointers with the client. Keeping the floors spotless in such an active environment can be exhausting, but there are ways to make the results last longer without adding to the homeowner's physical efforts. As our techs told the client, pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner are the safest and most effective way to keep a kitchen looking clean and well-maintained. Our product has no harsh ingredients to worry about, so it removes the dirt more thoroughly without weakening the surface in the process. It can also get rid of oil, sand, mud, and any prints left by an eager pet after a day outdoors. To make the best of her efforts, the client was told to use non-abrasive tools to remove the largest and most stubborn stains. Our techs suggested using a mop, a towel, or a terry cloth to get things done more efficiently. More general recommendations included keeping an eye on the room's ventilation system and making sure all cleaning products and tools stayed out of reach for children and pets.

Nothing can top the expertise of Sir Grout Dallas Fort Worth if you want the best ally to help you with your surface maintenance. Our specialists harness the most advanced equipment in the industry to provide the best results while restoring tile floors, grout, stone vanities, and other household surfaces. You can always expect a thorough restoration that will give your living spaces a whole new look. Just call (972) 457-3116 or fill out our website's "Request a Quote" form to schedule an appointment with our specialists. And be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about our latest info and promotions.
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